
Event Listings

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday, October 21st

Taste: CMJ Kickoff & Dinner Party
@ Nublu, 62 Ave C
Free, must RSVP here
Complimentary drinks and food, 9-12

Buck says: This is weird, and yet semi-awesome, event. The talent line-up is all over the map which means you won't get bored. As always the best part is the free drinks and food. This is only for the cool kids, which you aren't. So when you RSVP and it asks for your "company/affiliation" just type in Vice or Pitchfork or some other trendy company with a large staff.

Deli & GBH Present
@ Hiro, 363 West 16th St.
Bud Lite Open Bar 7:30-8:30

Buck says: Good old Hiro Ballroom - where hipsters can get a glimpse of how the collar poppin' B&T crowd live (B&T = Bridge & Tunnel, stupido). The combo of decent bands and free shitty beer make this worth checking out. Of course there's like 10 better shows tonight, but this isn't a concert blog it's a party blog and with GBH involved this is more party then concert.


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